If only took 2 to tango.
And hundreds to make the change.

And yeah, that's basically it
Comet Course was first ideated and brainstormed by a group of students in AHT in a Design and Research Methods as a final project assigment about 2 years ago during the fall 2022 semester.
The concept of the website and its contents and features was originally designed for a phone app, of the same name. Surveys where created, as well as prototypes, asking students what they currently thought of the current system via Galaxy portal, and overall advising and what they thought about their advisors respectively.
A few years later, the same group of students took their prototype presentations to Dr. Richard C. Benson, faculty, several deans, and faculty senate of the school, to present to them the new system what would aid and ease the time of sudents during their academic years. Fast forward to Decemeber of 2024, a beta has been released to showcase its features. Galaxy Portal is and will be running still, as Comet Course will be its own resource, as students are able to send out feedback and what their initial thoughts are. We are confident the website will bring something new to the table for sudents and staff.
Comet Course takes a lot of inspiration from Galaxy Portal, as mentioned previously. Functions such as a catered hub for class registration is the main takeaway, but adds other features such as adding a real-time live progress chart, where students can see their hourly credit progress and class progress, as well as what speficic classes are needed to be taken by that student, depending on their major. This is very similiar to the Excell spread sheet provided by advisors, but this time around, more simplified and auto-updated to the students academic progress as they lead towards their graduation.
Official first day of the beta will begin rolling out December 8th, ending January 21st. We are expected an official release date sometime this Spring, 2025.